Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Spring Break

I've been a bit quiet this past week or so - I've been a little busy and I honestly don't know where the time has gone!

Things on the stitching front have been quiet too! Put a few stitches in Fire last week but nothing much to really rave over and certainly not worth taking a pic of :) The kids are on spring break at the moment and my in-laws are also here so my stitching time during the day has been fairly limited. I did dig out an old WIP the other day to take down to the pool so I could stitch while the kids were swimming. Leonie, if you are reading this you will be shocked to learn that Merrick has made a reappearance - lol! It has large blocks of colour and is easier to concentrate on instead of my over one projects. I will take a pic of my progress when I get a chance and upload later.

I finally received my fabric for The Drawn Thread's 'An Open Heart' yesterday so Carol, I will be ready to start this soon. I think I may wait until after my in-laws have gone and the children have gone back to school though which isn't until after Easter.

I also received my Limited Edition Spring pack from Dinky Dyes - lovely as usual - plus the Scentual Pleasures Dyers' Collaboration Pack from Country Stitch. Again, some really nice threads and fabric to add to my collections :)

I have a house full of kids today and the siblings are starting to annoy each other so I think it's time I took them to the pool for a swim!!! Shall take Merrick for another outing :)

1 comment:

Leonie said...

Woohoo for Merrick! lol Hope you get some time to yourself, or that the break/visit from ILs goes quickly! ;)