Thursday, August 31, 2006

She has an ear!! Girly Gothic QS Update :)

I stayed up way way way too late last night (yet was still up and out walking the dog by 6.30am this morning!) to try and finish up page 1 last night but didn't quite make it! Managed this morning though while everyone was still snoozing :) I even managed to tuck the stray threads away while taking the pic this time!

Thanks again for the comments re my nephew. I'm hoping my brother will send some more pics through soon and regularly as I won't see him "in the flesh" for quite some time. He weighed in at just under 8lbs I think so he's a reasonable size.

I spent most of yesterday afternoon trying to reorganise DS's cupboards to find places for the extra stuff we had shipped over (hence the need for the mega stitching session last night - lol!). I haven't done too badly but there is still a pile of things on his desk that need sorting out. I'll get to that later today maybe. Right now I'm enjoying the quiet - the kids have gone to the pool with their friends and DH is at work - so I might make myself another cuppa and move on to page 2 of GG for a little bit. Although now that the school has sent the stationery requirements list through I should really go and get that sorted. Mmmm, I might go and ring the school uniform shop and see if Liam's trousers (had to be altered) are ready to be collected. If they are then I will go and get them and do the stationery run at the same time. I'll stitch later :)


Sharon said...

she looks wonderful and just like her actual pic!

Leonie said...

And such a nice ear too!! Just thought I'd let you know that you have at least one Aussie Lurker (Hi Anne!! lol). I explained about the stitchathon to her as she is too shy (!) to comment....

Anonymous said...

Wow you have stitched heaps, must be your new stitching nook. Happy Stitching. Congratulations on being a new Aunty. Such a cute piccie.

Singular Stitches said...

She's gorgeous!!

Amy said...

I just love the earrings in her ear! She is looking great! Oh, and your new nephew is a cutie!

You sound so organized. It seems I hardly ever have time for housework.

Michelle said...

Girly Gothic is looking so great! What a fabulous design.

Kim said...

I can't tell you how many times I've stayed up WAY past when I should have just to get a few more stitches in :)

GG is looking great--I really love her eyes, so pretty. It's very tempting to buy this one and start it.

Good luck with all the back to school shopping madness!